“I am now doing a form of energy work called the Emotion Code.
I am using this new to me tool to help enable people to get rid of their negative emotional baggage. The technique works to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of physical and emotional issues. They can block people from feeling love and happiness and can make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the body’s tissues and can cause physical discomfort. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal itself physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to handle.” Recently my lower back went out while I was in the process of getting certified. I decided to try out the Emotion Code on my pain. The first session I rated my pain at a 7/10 and after the session I rated it a 6/10. I did another session 2 days later and the pain went from 6/10 to a 1/10. After to a few days there was no pain. I went back to my chiropractor a week and a half later and she said my back was significantly better!
Everything in the world has energy and our bodies are no exception to this. Each part of our bodies has an energetic field, including our organs and tissues. Similarly, emotions, experiences, traumas, interactions, and more all carry energy. This has been proven scientifically.
Our premise is that those energies can interact with the energy in our bodies in specific ways. Energy may become trapped and create an imbalance within us. The impacts of these imbalances can affect us in a variety of ways. They may lead to physical discomfort or emotional turmoil. Energy healing seeks to identify energetic imbalances or blockages and remove them. By removing these energies, the body is then able to better heal itself!
Quantum Physics: The Science Behind How The Emotion Code Works Let’s talk about Quantum physics. The brilliant scientists in this field have already proven that our reality is quite different than what we had previously known it to be. Quantum physicists have shown that our bodies can be “zoomed in” on further and further, all the way down to the cellular level. As we zoom in further, we get to our DNA. Then, the atoms, electrons, protons, and subatomic particles. And then… all we have is SPACE. They have shown that our bodies are 99% empty space! Another thing that quantum physics has proven is called “entanglement”. This is when an electron moves in one place and there is a corresponding action somewhere else – because those electrons are entangled. In other words, we are connected to everything. This understanding of our deep connection to everything and everyone around us allows us to expand our conception of how we can affect those who aren’t present in front of us. By connecting with them energetically, we can practice the Emotion Code on another person who is far away.
Muscle Testing: How the Emotion Code Can Access the Subconscious Mind
The Emotion Code uses applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, to access the subconscious mind. Muscle testing shows the body’s reaction to a thought or a question with the weakening or strengthening of its muscles. This technique helps us get “yes” or “no” answers from the body, and we use it to get information about imbalances that are causing emotional or physical problems. This technique works because our subconscious mind stores all the information about our bodies and makes up about 95% of our minds. It is the part of us that remembers what we had for breakfast on the first Monday of April last year. It stores all the information, whether we consciously think of it or not. It’s kind of like a backup disc. It also controls bodily functions such as your heartbeat, your blood pressure, the functioning of your liver, and more. It also knows about everything that is getting in the way of a healthy body. For example, your subconscious knows that the argument with your roommate in 1977 is causing your hip pain today, even if you no longer remember or think about that old event.
This is why the Emotion Code is so fascinating – it allows us to access and deal with information that we never would consciously realize is important! It’s not just information that’s important, it’s energy. Or, more precisely, the effect of emotional energy on the energy of our bodies. Emotions are made of pure energy, and when we experience them, their energy can get trapped in the body. Each one of these is a trapped emotion. These trapped emotions will then interact constantly with a certain part of your body, wherever it is trapped. It is the energy of this emotion that can then “interfere” with the natural frequency that exists in your body and begin to manifest as some form of physical or emotional issue.
Magnetic Energy: Clearing Trapped Emotions with the Emotion Code
Our bodies are made of pure energy, which is not bound by the constraints of the physical realm. We can use muscle testing to identify trapped emotions, and then release them using the Emotion Code, and magnetic energy. It works just as well from a distance as it does in person. Once a trapped emotion is identified, we can release it using a magnet. We do this by running a magnet over the energy line in the body called the governing meridian. This can be likened to taking a credit card and running a magnet over it – the magnet changes or deletes the information on the card. In the same way, once we have identified a trapped emotion (by accessing the information from the subconscious mind using muscle testing), we run the magnet over the governing meridian and this deletes or releases the energy from the body.
Releasing Trapped Emotions Around the Heart
Another huge benefit of the Emotion Code is its ability to remove a Heart-Wall®. A Heart-Wall can form when the energy of one or more emotions becomes trapped around the heart. A Heart-Wall is your body’s attempt to protect your vulnerable heart. When this energetic barrier of trapped emotions forms, it can keep us from feeling hurtful, negative emotions as deeply. Although this can be helpful in the short term, the problem is that it inhibits our ability to feel loving, joyful, wonderful emotions as well! If you’ve ever felt like you struggled to open up to the people around you, as though something holds you back from fully connecting with others, or stops you from feeling emotions deeply, you may have a Heart-Wall. If you are interested in exploring this method please contact me. If you are getting acupuncture and Emotion Code in the same session the cost will be 85.00 for a 60 - 75 minute session. If you want to do an Emotion Code Session alone either in person or video call it will be 35.00 for a 20-30 minute session.
For more information go to https://discoverhealing.com