Set up and Cleaning Procedures Prior to Opening 1. Deep clean all soft surfaces, such as carpet, in treatment room and Living room and hallway areas. Use a carpet cleaning service that allows floors to dry quickly, limiting downtime and poor indoor air quality. Zerorez has cleaned carpets, furniture and applied sanitizing solution and shield to all touchable surfaces in Living room, hall and treatment room. This process is effective for 90 days.
2. Deep cleaned all hard surfaces inside the Living Room, Hallway, Bathroom and Treatment Room. Paying particular attention to areas between hard surfaces, such as grout lines, which can be breeding grounds for organic soils and bacteria.
3. Removed all unnecessary items from the treatment room including decorative knickknacks, extra supplies, etc. Washed all bedding and enclose in sealed storage. Removed any extra padding from massage table. Installed hands free trash receptacle, touchless soap dispenser and have available Clorox wipes, Envirocare spray and hand sanitizer.
4. Removed all decorative items from table at the entryway and have available Cloth Masks, Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer for client use. Regularly sanitize all doorknob and plates.
5. Set up and run consistently Air Purifier and Bag Sanitizer.
Daily Procedures
Prior to client arrival Thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces in the bathroom and treatment room paying attention to proper dwell times. Vacuum all carpets thoroughly Wipe down all doorknobs, handles and light switches. Put on clean sheets, plastic pillow cover and clean pillowcase Open window for circulation Check that air purifier is clean and operating properly
Client Arrival Greet client on porch. Take temperature and record. Inquire as to any possible Covid Symptoms - fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, new headache symptoms, sore throat and loss of taste or smell. Have client proceed to the restroom to use the facilities if needed and wash their hands. Provide a wipe for opening and closing the door. Situate client in treatment room Practitioner will wash hands prior to entering the room. After taking pulses practitioner will throughout treatment wash or sanitize hands as needed. After treatment schedule follow up treatment and negotiate payment in the treatment room.
After Client Departure Sanitize the place all items that touched the client in Sanitizer Bag. Remove all bedding and place directly in washer Wash and sanitize all surfaces touched in treatment room and bathroom with Envirocare disinfectant, empty trash, and sanitize masks. Add to the wash micro cloths used to clean room. Restock any needed supplies, clean and check all devices ie - air purifier, sanitizing bag, etc. Vacuum Livingroom and Hallway Complete client’s chart and store in locked file cabinet.
Weekly Procedures Deep clean and sanitize all surfaces including walls, floors and all furniture in the bathroom and treatment room Sanitizer and vacuum all carpeting Scrub and sanitize all flooring – hardwood and linoleum Clean Air Purifier with soap and vacuum heap filter